Maria’s Story

Maria is a member of one of the first groups we set up for vulnerable women in Butaleja. It’s amazing to see the difference in her life and herself after she was given agricultural training and support.

“My name is Maria and I am a member of Tuluta Widows Group. I took part in agricultural training delivered by a little bit of HOPE and am so grateful for that support. I was given 10 kilos of rice to plant and I applied all the knowledge and technical advice from the training, and to my surprise I harvested 300 kilos of rice! I plan to sell some of this to buy iron sheets so I can finish my house which has been incomplete since last year. I’m also thankful for the knowledge and skills I’ve learnt in savings, crafts and farming. I now sell vegetables and crafts, and with my savings I bought a bull. This has made me able to stand on my own as a widow and I no longer have to beg.”