Fiona’s Story
When Uganda was put into lockdown due to Covid in 2020, schools were closed, so we couldn’t run this programme in our usual way by delivering training in schools.
However, our team in Uganda recognised that RUMPs were more essential than ever – as sanitary products were increasingly hard to access. Therefore, as restrictions began to ease, we created a ‘RUMPs Production Centre’ at the Busolwe Community Library! We painted one of the spare rooms, connected electricity, provided furniture – including storage for materials and the finished pads, and purchased four sewing machines. Over 1,000 pads and face masks were produced at the centre and distributed to vulnerable families during lockdown. When the pads are given out, training is also provided, and where possible, we conduct follow up visits to ensure that pads are being used correctly, and provide further instruction were necessary.
Since the opening of the production centre, we’ve seen a huge increase in the uptake of the training programme as the community are realising the importance of girls having access to the pads, both in and out of school. The centre serves as a central place for women and young people to learn how to make the pads for their own use, and also to see on at affordable prices to friends.
“My name is Fiona and I am so grateful for the RUMPS-making skills that I have learned. I am now able to make my own pads and I have been able to make five at home that I am using. This will be so helpful when I resume school and will save my parents money as they don’t have to buy pads anymore.”